About the Author

Joining the U.S. Air Force at age 18, Marie stepped off on a lifetime of adventures. She was only in the service for four years, but the travel bug had bitten her, and bitten hard. She’s lived in many places including Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, New Mexico, Florida, Virginia and Arizona. While in the service, she was stationed in California and Alaska! She continues to travel for work and play whenever possible. Her residence has come full circle, at least for the moment, as she recently moved back to her hometown, Worcester, MA.

Marie honed her writing skills in a Master of Arts program that required seemingly endless short papers and one daunting seventy page thesis. After that, everything else became possible. She wrote her first novel in 2011. After shopping around for an agent or publisher for years, she finally self-published her first novel in 2017 and has since published four more  novels. She also works as an editor for MetaStellar Magazine, a popular speculative fiction site for authors and readers alike.

“I like to think there’s a little bit of magic out there if we look closely enough,” Marie said in a recent interview. Writing in a genre called magical realism, she looks for the little flashes of magic in her own life as inspiration for her books. “It could be just a strange coincidence…or magic.”